Bahrain 14 August : Rebellion Documentary

The first documentary that uncovers the mystery of the UN referendum that took place in Bahrain in 1970 and explains the reasons for Bahrainis to call for a rebellion day against the Al-Khalifa regime

تحميل الفيديو
المركز الإعلامي - ثورة البحرين

‫7 تعليقات

  1. we do want Bahrain to become another Iran…History says its very clear…Irani where ever they are do not follow Islamic rules and regulation.. that is why Embassy of Iran was thrown outside of Canada why because they started protesting here in Canada without any solids reason. if the western country does not support iran then what alone Iran can do.. look at the condition of Iran now..Even they are not allowed to buy New Plan for domestic use inside the country..even.Imported cars not avail

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